18 Avraham said to God, “If only Yishma‘el could live in your presence!”

19 God answered, “No, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you are to call him Yitz’chak [laughter]. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.

20 But as for Yishma‘el, I have heard you. I have blessed him. I will make him fruitful and give him many descendants. He will father twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation.

21 But I will establish my covenant with Yitz’chak, whom Sarah will bear to you at this time next year.” 22 With that, God finished speaking with Avraham and went up from him. (Gen 17:18-22)

Note:  ADONAI blessed Yishma’el and Yitz’chak (Isaac) equally but made a covenant with Yitz’chak. All mankind must honour ADONAI’s covenant with Yitz’chak and not reject Yishma’el or his decendents because ADONAI did not reject Yishma’el.