Genesis 3:8 Throughout Scripture, the Tabernacle (Mishkan) is a symbol of ADONAI’s perpetual desire to dwell with his people. As theologian Anthony A. Hoekema says, “Human beings reflect God, who exists not as a solitary being but as a being in fellowship” (14). While one might assume that fellowship between humanity and God began in the Tabernacle following Israel’s exodus from Egypt and the Tent of Meeting in the wilderness, God first “dwelt” with Adam and Havah (Eve) in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:8). The canopy of trees, under which their relationship grew, provided an intimate place for them and was a precursor to future dwelling places in which God and humanity could have fellowship. Adam was placed in the garden by God (Gen. 2.5) to cultivate it. “To cultivate” relates to shomer, the Hebrew word meaning “to guard,”. As their loving and protective Father, ADONAI is therefore with Adam and Havah, reminding them communion can exist only in relationship with him. (CJB)